Trekking stands for outdoor recreational activity of hiking and walking that lasts more than a day. People travel in remote and undeveloped areas where environment is at its best with tranquility all over the region. Journey made by foot, going through remote trails and passing forests, rivers, and experiencing great mountain views for several days is also known as trekking. It takes you closer to the nature and surrounding remote community whose lifestyle is sometimes constant for many years. Nothing is compared to trekking if you want to experience life full of adventure and when it comes to be closer with nature.
Trekking usually contains series of ascents and descents walking 5- 7hours walking a day. The main idea of trekking or so called conclusion is not the destination but what matters the most is the journey and how you enjoy it. You travel different places, spectate serene surrounding with amazing mountain views. Nepal is well-known for trekking activity and is paradise for trekkers when it comes to natural beauty, remote trails and scenic mountain views. The best way to get mix or understand Nepalese lifestyle and its people is guaranteed with trekking. There will be ample things you will able to see during journey such as forests of rhododendron, bamboo, oak, and hemlock, one or two villages each day, and sometimes even you can encounter rare wildlife.
While talking about the potential of trekking in Nepal. It is clearly been seen and observed that Nepal has unique and ample trekking trails whose difficulty level differ from ease to hard. None of other countries in the world have these type of diversities in trekking. Some of the trekking trails such as Everest, Langtang and Annapurna region comes under easy accessible trails. There are also hard and skilled trails where only skilled and experienced trekkers who are adventurous can only stand. In those region you might have to ascend higher by using ropes and the trek might last for 20- 40 days.
Trekking being widespread activity in Nepal is providing benefits to Nepal as well as trekkers are also being able to soak up with the country’s nature and cultures at its closest point. Tourism has become a main income generating activity in hilly and mountain regions nowadays. Different lodges and villagers provide meals and accommodation facilities to the trekkers and services such as power supply and internet are also being provided. In this way, trekkers are being fulfilled with all the requirements and in other hands people are gaining income. Also potters and guides are also able to assist them and in reward they are also getting paid. Similarly trekkers are making friends and able to cope up with Nepali cultures and tradition which arouse felling of togetherness.
In Nepal trekking is of two types which are described below
Tea House trekking means the trekking done by arranging accommodation and foods in Tea house or so called community lodge. Tea House Trek is a common and popular trekking modes for domestic tourist as well as international tourists. Because of mode of convenient and ease many trekker prefer Tea House trekking. All the services that trekkers need are arranged by villagers or tea house owners. Tea House Trek is comparatively cheaper than camp or tented trek.
This trek is little advanced than tea house trek where organizer assign a team consisting of a Trek Manager(guide), a cook, support members, and locally employed porters to carry all heavy gear including the sleeping, dining, kitchen and toilet tents, folding chairs, food supplies, kitchen equipment and client duffel bags. All meals are managed by team. Camping trek is the most adventurous trek. Also it is fully organized, supportive and enjoyable trek for the trekkers. Camping trek is not suitable in every location. It is most appropriate in unbeaten trekking trails.